Annihilate (Hive Trilogy Book 3) Page 20
Tessa nodded, clenching her jaw, and tightened the grip on her gun, standing in front of the café door like a sentinel.
I didn’t wait. I took off running.
I was the fastest runner I knew, other than Ryder. I WOULD get to a medic. I WOULD get some fucking blood and I WOULD save Jayden’s life. He’d bled a lot during the culling and he’d survived, I told myself. He could survive this.
Fuck! I forgot about the sniper. Bullets snapped all around me as I ran in a zigzag back to the place where the medical triage had been set up. In the end I tapped into my center, letting the heat take me over as I soared close to the medic building.
“Charlie!” Ryder’s voice came to my left, as a bullet nicked my shoulder and I tripped over my legs. Tucking down my left shoulder, I braced for the fall, rolling with it, before quickly popping up to find Ryder at my side, shooting the shit out of the guy on the roof.
“Jayden is dying! Needs blood,” I shouted to him, and took off running again. He kept pace with me easily, guns out, firing at anyone who got in our way. We dashed into the building. I ran right up to the first person I saw.
“I need to do a blood transfusion STAT!” I all but shouted in her face.
She was in the middle of bandaging someone’s neck, so she motioned over to a cooler. “Blood pouches in there. IV lines on the on table. Help yourself.”
Okay. I could do a blood transfusion. How hard could it be? My mom was a nurse. I threw open the top of the cooler and grabbed three bags labeled AB-negative. I grabbed two IV lines and took off running again. Ryder was right with me the whole time; he was my muscle, shooting any remaining vamps down.
Once I had time to think, I’d realize how damn happy I was to have Ryder close to me again. As a team we kinda rocked. Plus, knowing he was alive was everything. Couldn’t focus on that though, I had a BAFF to save. I’d already lost one friend tonight, and I would not lose another.
I was back at the café in record time and nearly got my head blown off by a trigger-happy Tessa. She pulled her hand away at the last second and shot the ground.
“Jesus, Charlie. Announce yourself!” she barked.
“Sorry!” Damn, she took the protector role seriously. Good girl.
Oliver was shaking; there was too much damn blood, pouring everywhere, coating the floor around them. How was it possible to lose that much blood and not be dead? Jayden had better not be dead.
I sat in the blood, getting as close as I could to my BAFF.
My hands shook as I ripped open the IV lines and attached the blood bag. I felt Ryder’s hulking mass behind me, and when I brought a shaking hand down to my best friend’s arm, Ryder placed his hand over mine to steady it. I took in a deep breath, and then with more focus I placed the line with Ryder’s help. He’d had to do this a few times in the field with his men, so he was actually a massive help.
Jayden’s veins were nearly nonexistent with the blood loss, but we got one. Standing, I held the blood high so it could drip down into his body. Ryder must have grabbed a med kit at the triage center, because he was ripping open packages, his hand steady as he began suturing Jayden’s leg wound.
I tried not to think too hard. My mind already felt stretched so thin it was barely lucid. I held Jayden’s hand; Oliver had the other, and we waited. The longest goddamn wait of my life. My eyes were trained on the very shallow and minuscule rise and fall of Jayden’s chest. If he stopped breathing, I would die. I would literally give up on life. Jayden was someone I couldn’t live without. Thank God he was an ash; a human would have been dead long ago.
We must have stood there in silence forever. But after the gunshots died down, we heard a van drive by, loudspeakers blasting a message: “Vampires have surrendered. It’s safe to leave your homes. Get your wounded to a local triage center.”
“Did you hear that? Get my ass to a triage center.” Jayden’s weak voice filled the silent room and I broke down in tears. I didn’t realize it until now but my arm holding up the blood bag was completely asleep. I let it drop, leaning forward to gently hug Jayden.
Oliver was openly crying, and even Ryder’s eyes looked a bit damp.
“That didn’t exactly go as planned,” Sam said from the doorway, and we turned to see him with Jared, Markus, and Kyle. Kyle’s shoulder was bleeding, but he looked okay. I was just opening my mouth to ask about Carter when he walked in after them, looking like he’d just been to a day spa. Despite his efforts, which most certainly had saved a lot of lives, he had not a hair out of place. I blew my father a kiss, and then all the enforcers.
They were alive. Thank you, God, Jesus, and all the saints. They were alive. My family was alive, and with a bit of luck the cure was working around the world. Vampires’ numbers were decimated.
I couldn’t contain my joy, laughter spilling from me as my eyes continued running across my family. There was a small part of my heart that mourned for Lucas; the fact that he didn’t make it would haunt me forever, but I was determined to remember that everyone else was alive and I would count my blessings.
Chapter 14
One month later.
The sunset was absolutely spectacular as I made my way toward the pink carpet stretching out across the sand of the private beach in Turtle Cove. The background noise consisted of a small trio playing local music, and the crashing of waves against the warm, golden sand. My bouquet of flowers was fragrant enough for even humans to scent.
As I reached the edge of the aisle, the music changed slightly, signaling that it was time for me to walk the final steps to the end. My eyes were locked on Ryder, standing beside his best friends. The six of them were decked out in white, which they didn’t usually wear, but really should more often. Ryder looked absolutely spectacular, his shirt open at the collar, pants fitted to his delectable body.
His grin had me stumbling my way down, but I managed to recover before completely face-planting it. He was going to be the death of me. Taking a few deep breaths, I did spare a glance for Oliver; he was the man of the hour, but there was no way I could keep my eyes from Ryder for long.
I had to keep it together. The guests’ attention was on me. I was Jayden’s best man after all. He’d decked me out in a beachy dress, all flowy and sunset colors. I even had gems adorning my bare feet, and cuffs around my ankles. My hair had grown out a little and was softly curled around my face. Jayden had overseen every single aspect of my appearance, and then gave his stamp of approval before kicking me out the door to walk in the bridal party. A party that consisted of me, Becca, and Tessa, who were dressed the same as me, walking a few yards behind.
Sam looked more than a little gobsmacked by the sight of our Becca all dressed up. She’d even ditched her glasses for the day, although I preferred her with them. They suited her so well. My heart soared at having all of our friends and family here. My mom and dad were in the crowd, along with plenty of others we knew from our life in the Hive, and before.
I couldn’t believe Jayden had pulled this all together in a few weeks. After the battle in Portland, where I’d almost lost my BAFF, Oliver refused to wait any longer to marry him. Ryder and I had been talking of a trip to Hawaii, and as soon as Jayden heard he ran with it, and started planning the wedding of the century. Something nice to look forward to in the midst of rebuilding our world. The vampires had destroyed much on that night, but in the end, at least ninety percent had been cured or were dead. The Hives were being demolished, and the small number of vampires who’d survived were in hiding, and for now were staying there. Lincoln and his team now headed up a newly formed government division: VAT. Vampire Acquisition Taskforce. They kept us updated with news. Carter worked for them too. He’d taken the cure and was no longer vampire. But he had been one of the Originals and held a plethora of information on vampire hideouts around the world.
He and my mom were in love. Like so in love. If I still lived at home, I’d have to get soundproofing around my room just to stay there. Seein
g them together made me happy. I now understood why my mom had been single for so much of her life. I’d be the same with Ryder. When you love someone like that, there is no replacing them.
Ryder’s eyes were practically silver as they remained locked on me. That gaze reminded me of the many hours we’d spent wrapped around each other in the past month. Yeah, my mom wasn’t the only one getting some action.
Okay, gross, no more thoughts of mom action.
Ryder and I were determined to make up for every second we’d been apart. Or had almost died. I was kinda getting addicted to him. His touch. The way he loved me up so fully that sometimes I couldn’t even remember my own name.
As I took my place beside the officiant, Ryder winked at me and I saw so many promises in his expression. Damn, I could not wait for the honeymoon. And it wasn’t even my wedding.
Tessa and Becca joined me then too, and suddenly Jayden was at the end of the aisle. He looked breathtaking. I expected him to wear something pink and glittery, but instead he was in all white, like his soon-to-be husband. Okay, so there were some glittery pieces, and he had jewels across his feet, but mostly he looked like my beautiful best friend. His ash colored eyes looked a bit misty as he started his walk, and to be honest, I’m not sure there was a dry eye in the entire place as we watched the way Oliver and Jayden stared at each other.
When Jayden was about halfway down the aisle, Oliver moved, striding across and meeting him there. I raised a hand to my mouth, to cover up the small sob which wanted to escape. That was so beautiful; he literally couldn’t even wait for him to walk down the aisle to have him at his side. That’s how these two would do everything from now on, as a team.
The officiant started the ceremony, but I don’t think Oliver or Jayden heard a word. They were enthralled with each other, and had to be prompted twice to repeat after him. A cheer went out when the wedding was complete. “I now pronounce you partners for life, husbands, lovers, and friends,” said the officiant. Oliver and Jayden kissed then, before he could get to that part.
No one was surprised.
“Woohoo!” Tessa shouted next to me, and I found myself enthusiastically wrapped in her arms. It was nice to see her happy; those hazel eyes had been dull and lifeless for many weeks. Not only did she have to mourn Blake twice, but she’d had to come to terms with the fact that she shot him, and that he had betrayed us all in the worst way. At Lucas’s funeral she’d had a complete breakdown and had to be sedated. I think my pain was too much for her, and the guilt that she was partly to blame for his death.
I sat by her bedside for days, but eventually she came back to me, and the healing had begun for us both. The road to recovery was long, but we were all taking the first steps.
Becca was next to be wrapped up in our group hug. Tears were streaming down her cheeks as she sobbed. “It was just so beautiful, so beautiful. Jayden and Oliver are so lucky.”
The rest was incoherent, but I was starting to see our science girl was a romantic softy deep down. The wedding had touched her heart and she was all a mess of emotion. Arms wrapped around me from behind, and I sank back into the familiar embrace.
“You look beautiful, Charlie.” Ryder’s deep voice washed over me and I closed my eyes to savor the moment. The crashing of the waves, the warmth of Hawaii, the soft music on the warm breezes. This was kinda my version of heaven.
I had to spin in his arms, and our mouths met in a searching kiss. It was soft, and hot, and tongue and … coherent thought was gone.
Eventually we stopped the PDA and followed everyone else down the aisle and across the beach to the huge marquee which had been set up earlier by the very talented wedding coordinators here. Jayden of course had to give his final approval, but anyone could see this was totally his style. It was just sunset now, so the countless candles were set off beautifully, not to mention multiple chandeliers casting light across the black and white decorated space, with a few bright splashes of color mixed amongst for dramatic effect. Oliver always liked to say that Jayden was the splash of color in his world, and this was a tribute to that.
I couldn’t wait. This was going to be a party to remember, right down to the drunken karaoke that was scheduled in the next few hours. Jayden had decided to forgo all speeches or any structure in regards to food and drinks. Everything was already laid out on banquet tables across the room; people would help themselves whenever they wanted. And the bar was fully stocked, even with the good stuff. Ash everywhere were getting drunk tonight.
We hit the bar first and I found myself slamming back a shot with Tessa and Becca. Blood wine for Becca and I, tequila for Tessa. Our poor science girl didn’t know it, but there was a plan tonight. I was getting her hammered and she was going to have another shot at Sam. This unrequited star-crossed lovers thing they had going on drove me nuts. I was going to be interfering-Charlie for one more night, and if that didn’t work I was out.
“Gah, it’s really not appealing. I hate to think of the damage to my body with this poison,” Becca said, huffing in and out after her shot.
I snorted. “You’re an ashpire, girlfriend. Ain’t nothing damaging our liver.”
She shook her head at me. “You know what I mean. Anything that tastes like burning cannot be good for you.”
“Sam!” I yelled, noticing him across the room. He didn’t look uncomfortable – Sam was hardly ever out of his element – but he did kind of look like he wished he was anywhere else but here.
When he didn’t cross to me immediately, I stalked over and dragged him to the bar. “Do a shot with us,” I said, turning my most pleading expression on him.
He glanced over my head, and I knew the poor dude was exchanging a glance with Ryder. No doubt they both knew what I was up to. Brains and beauty that was my boys.
“I really need to keep a clear head. I have a lead on Sanctum, and it’s in our best interest to closely monitor that group.”
Jayden came upon us then. “Hells no,” he said to Sam. “No working at this awesome wedding. Sanctum are not going anywhere, and so far their ploy for world domination has resulted in nothing. They don’t have the numbers or support anymore. Too many humans. Too much still going on. You can take this one night off.”
Sam sucked in a deep breath, let it out, and surprisingly enough some tension left his shoulders and handsome face. “One shot,” he said, his eyes resting on Becca.
She nervously adjusted her blond curls, but didn’t protest when a whole row of shots were dropped in front of us and everyone grabbed one. I noticed Tessa and Jared out of the corner of my eye then. The pair were standing very close together, deep in conversation on the edge of our group. They turned to do a shot with us, and I swear stepped even closer together.
Whoa! They looked so hot together, all blond beach babes. And my bestie was smiling, a true and happy smile.
Maybe we would all get our happy ever after. Even Tessa.
As the party raged on, we sang, we danced, we loved. Jayden got so drunk that he and I declared our undying love for each other and promised to get a best friend tattoo in the morning. I was mildly tipsy, but trying to keep my head on so I could make sure operation Sam and Becca was going to happen. When I saw them sitting next to each other but not really engaging, I decided it was time to play hardball.
Stalking across the room, I found Jason. He was hot as hell, like all ash, and he was someone I sort of knew from the Portland Hive.
“Jason, I need a favor,” I said to him, only the slightest of slurs in my voice. I was nailing this sober thing. He nodded, a huge grin spreading across his face, although he also looked to be nervously checking over my shoulder. Was he looking for Ryder?
Gee. He wasn’t that scary.
“Anything,” he finally said, getting his fears under control.
“Go ask that blonde sitting with Sam to dance.”
Jason’s eyes bugged out. “Sam has already claimed her. Rules are no
t to go near her.”
That angered me even more. How dare Sam set that rule and then not go for Becca.
“Yeah, well, the rules have changed, and trust me, he’ll thank you later. I’ll make sure he doesn’t kill you,” I added.
Jason seemed to consider it. Finally, he nodded. “Okay, but you’re going to owe me one.”
“Yep, fine,” I said, pushing him in their direction.
I stayed close, because I couldn’t actually be sure that Sam wasn’t going to try and kill him. Walking five paces behind him, I casually acted like I was looking for a waiter. When Jason got two feet from Becca, both her and Sam looked up.
Jason cleared his throat and I knelt, pretended to be adjusting my dress.
“Would you like to dance with me?” he asked, extending his hand in Becca’s direction.
She looked utterly shocked, her eyes so huge without glasses hiding them. Sam’s head shot around, his gaze absolutely feral, and it wasn’t aimed at Jason. He locked eyes directly with me.
Ah fuck. Abort mission.
“Oh … um … sure,” Becca said, distracting everyone when she took Jason’s hand.
Oh shit. Sam shot up lightning fast and stepped between Jason and Becca.
“I was just going to ask her. Why don’t you go get yourself a drink?” His voice was very quickly developing into the growl register.
Jason swallowed hard and nodded. Sam’s gaze bore into me with a fire that said he would be plotting my death soon. Then he spun on Becca.
“Here’s the thing, Becca. I know you don’t want to ruin our friendship, but I can’t stand by and watch you date other men. So … will you please dance with me?”
Becca swallowed hard, eyeing Sam’s outstretched hand, then a blaze of silver lit up her eyes and she placed her hand into his. He pulled her so hard into his body that I could tell he’d knocked the wind out of her a bit. They remained molded like that, and then started gently swaying to the music. It was a slow romantic song, and dammit I was tearing up again.